Central rulebook

Common data for all

All project participants use the same, centrally stored product knowledge and can be sure, therefore, that they will always receive correct information and documentation. It doesn’t matter whether customers configure their desired products online and receive a quotation for it, or whether the technical department creates drawings and parts lists, or whether production relies on the automatically generated and sent manufacturing documents.

Of course, not everyone can directly access the rulebook and receive internal information; the technical know-how is hidden behind the front end the user operates and which can look different for each user group.

This means that the product knowledge only has to be maintained in one place, namely in the central rulebook, which exchanges information with other software modules via interfaces.

Clever variant management

Say goodbye to the idea, widespread in consulting practice, that variant management means reducing the number of product variants. After all, this is usually only partially effective, especially if your company thrives on fulfilling individual customer wishes and adapting products to ever-changing conditions.

For us, variant management means managing your variants efficiently without restricting the variety of variants in any way (within what is technically feasible). With your central rulebook, you can offer each customer exactly the product he needs in his situation. And this as efficiently as with mass products.

Product complexity

The most important thing right at the beginning: the complexity of your product does not matter for customX. So, get rid of the idea that your product is far too complex for a configurator. It's all a matter of how you approach it.

And this is what our development team has perfected. With the rulebook we offer a tool that systematically describes your product. To begin with, we hold a workshop with you in which we jointly work out the systematic nature of your product so that it can then be recorded in the central rulebook.

Defying the shortage of skilled workers

The topic is omnipresent and surely your company has to struggle with it as well: skilled workers are scarce. But what does customX have to do with that? By capturing the entire product knowledge, you also give less intensively trained employees an instrument to work qualitatively, correctly and independently. Through automation, customX takes over tasks for which you would otherwise need additional specialists.

At the same time, you ensure that even if important employees leave, the complete technical know-how remains within the company. In this way, employee turnover also loses its horror.

Source: Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer, Januar 2023, DIHK-Report Fachkräfte 2022

Source: Commerzbank Pressemitteilung, 10. Mai 2023, Commerzbank-Mittelstandsstudie

Source: Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft, 23.11.2022. MINT-Herbstreport 2022

Maintenance in-house

Of course, the rules and regulations are not set in stone. That would be a bad thing because your products continue to develop and new products are added. With customX you do not need external specialists for the maintenance of the rulebook or the creation of rules for new products. You can do this easily and very quickly yourself after you have completed the training courses for customX. Programming skills are not required for this as an Excel-like macro language is used.

No more media disruptions

You access the same data throughout the entire process. Whether it's a sales meeting, order processing, the creation of bills of materials or, in the end, production - always, yes, always, the same rulebook and thereby the same data is used. In this way, you avoid the media disruptions where data has to be manually transferred from one system to another. This is the only way to achieve absolute automation, which results in a zero-error rate. It also saves an enormous amount of time, which you can use much more sensibly in your company.


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Open macro language

The easy-to-learn, Excel-like language allows you to create and maintain the rulebook without any programming knowledge.

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Central parameter handling

Change parameters once at a central location and thereby simultaneously for any number of assemblies.

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Control of variants

Components and assemblies can be controlled via tables, so that complex assemblies can be easily displayed and maintained, even without admin rights.

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Debugger function

Get an overview of the currently used parameters and the values they are currently displaying. Exceeding the default values is clearly displayed.

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Negative parts and plans

When combining several parts, negative parts such as punch-outs are transferred. When joining parts or assemblies, for example, connections and joints are generated automatically.

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Syntax check

When formulas and parameters are entered, the syntax is checked immediately, so that incorrect entries such as typing errors, forgotten brackets, etc. are detected directly.

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Search function

Easily see in which components a certain parameter is used, making adjustments much easier.

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Lists and summation

Control individual parameters specifically in certain lists (saw lists, packing lists, constructive parts lists, etc.) and form totals for exact pricing.

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Parameter flow

Unlike other configurators, customX allows parameters to flow from top to bottom as well as from bottom to top and across all components.


Ready for central knowledge storage?

Arrange a demo appointment with our consultants.


customX GmbH

Auf den Sechsmorgen 25

65589 Hadamar-Oberweyer

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